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Tag: Cultural Resource Management

The Phoenix Project: Resurrecting the MARTA Archaeological Collection and Atlanta’s Past

During the 1970s, Georgia State University archaeologists conducted systematic excavations associated with the construction of the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) rail lines. This...
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During the 1970s, Georgia State University archaeologists conducted systematic excavations associated with the construction of the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) rail lines. This project recovered the material remains of Atlanta’s past, and these materials represent the single most comprehensive archaeological collection of Atlanta’s history. In addition, the excavations themselves are among the pioneering projects of urban archaeology in the then nascent field of CRM (Cultural Resource Management). Thus, just the excavation archive, which is part of the collection, is invaluable for the history of archaeology in the US, especially the burgeoning new field of urban archaeology. The entire collection (440 medium-sized “banker” boxes housing over 100,000 artifacts and all the accompanying documentation and excavation archive) has recently been returned to GSU. Showcasing significant “moments” in the life of the city, including several Civil War sites associated with the Battle of Atlanta, the majority of the collection corresponds to the late 19th and early 20th century, the time of Atlanta’s rebirth as a major metropolitan area, the collection opens immense opportunities for faculty and student research and public education and outreach. Furthermore, it will facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations within GSU, as well as with other universities in the Atlanta-area for the curation, conservation, study, and exhibition of the artifacts and archive.

Jeffrey Glover, Ph.D., GSU Department of Anthropology, and archaeology students
Arts & Culture

Underground Atlanta Historic District Nomination

National Register of Historic Places Inventory nomination form submitted in 1980. Originally, the two-and-a-half-block area of the Underground district was a part of the larger...
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National Register of Historic Places Inventory nomination form submitted in 1980. Originally, the two-and-a-half-block area of the Underground district was a part of the larger gateway to the city. The history of this gateway to Atlanta mirrors the dynamic growth of the city as it expanded from a railroad and pedestrian town of the mid-nineteenth century into a regional automobile and air metropolis of the late-twentieth century. The Underground Atlanta Historic District consists of several components: an approximately two-block area of buildings bounded by Alabama Street, Central Avenue, Peachtree Street, and the rear lot lines of properties along the north side of Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive; viaducts on Central, Pryor, Alabama and Wall streets; store fronts along the north side of Alabama Street below the viaduct; the Georgia Railroad Freight Depot at the east end of Alabama Street; and the Zero Mile Post under the Central Avenue viaduct.

Timothy Crimmins, Professor of History, GSU, and Richard Cloues, Architectural Historian

Heritage Preservation Projects, 1991-Present

The Digital Archive of the Heritage Preservation Program (HPP) available in ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University is a compendium of student projects produced under the...
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The Digital Archive of the Heritage Preservation Program (HPP) available in ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University is a compendium of student projects produced under the supervision of the HPP faculty from 1991 until the present. The Archive contains a variety of completed projects that document buildings and historic areas in and around Metropolitan Atlanta. The projects include Historic Structure Reports of historic or endangered buildings, Historic District Information Forms prepared for submission to the Georgia Historic Preservation Division for eventual National Register Designation, Design Guideline and Planning projects that are intended to assist communities and neighborhoods in making design decisions about Locally Designated Historic Districts and Historic Context studies that focus on a particular building type, period of development (developmental history) or particular community. These documents embody a wide variety of buildings, neighborhoods and communities across Metro Atlanta. They demonstrate the body of work accomplished by the students of the Heritage Preservation Program and are here to be utilized by anyone seeking to research historic places in and around Atlanta.

Project Advisor Richard Laub, Director, Heritage Preservation Program, Department of History, Georgia State University, and students

Flat Rock Cemetery Project

The Flat Rock community in southern DeKalb County, Georgia (just outside Atlanta) is one of the oldest continually-occupied African-American communities in Georgia. Although history shows...
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The Flat Rock community in southern DeKalb County, Georgia (just outside Atlanta) is one of the oldest continually-occupied African-American communities in Georgia. Although history shows that many African-American communities in the South were broken apart as former slaves migrated north in search of jobs and a more equitable life, Flat Rock remained an intact community. This was largely due to the efforts of individuals who were able to purchase land and later sell it in small parcels to fellow community members. Proximity—both to ancestors and significant places—is a cross-culturally important component to the creation of a sense of community. Placed on a high peak in DeKalb County, the Flat Rock Cemetery became such a place for the Flat Rock community. It contains burials dating from 1834 (three years prior to the official establishment of the community) through 1959. In the spring of 2008, Johnny Waits, president of the Flat Rock Archive, proposed a project to the members of the Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society (GAAS) involving the clearing and mapping of this historic cemetery. These initial meetings eventually led to the involvement of Georgia State University (GSU). Through the use of a total station, Jeffrey Glover of GSU and his students have been mapping the cemetery and conducting research into its material culture. The objectives of this project include completion of the cemetery map and the subsequent connection of identified graves to the archival data collected by Mr. Waits. These data will be integrated with photographic images of tombstones and material offerings, and will be established on GSU’s geospatial server using ESRI’s ArcServer. These interactive maps will be made accessible to visitors to the Flat Rock archive web site.

Jeffrey Glover, Ph.D., Anthropology Department, and students working with the Flat Rock Archive
Arts & Culture

Judge William A. Wilson House

The Judge Wilson House, dating from the mid-1850s, was one of six documented antebellum houses left in Atlanta as of 2015. Contains a historical overview...
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The Judge Wilson House, dating from the mid-1850s, was one of six documented antebellum houses left in Atlanta as of 2015. Contains a historical overview of the house, and the existing conditions of the exterior, interior, attic, crawl space, utilities, cemetery and grounds of the home. The purpose of this report is to provide a current assessment of the condition of the structure and to provide recommendations for needed repairs and options for future consideration.

Date created
Fall 1991

GSU History 898A Conservation of Historic Building Materials students Mary Elizabeth Bostwick, Karen Daniels, Donna Fuller, Marty Goldsmith, Richard Gromek, Jim Mallory, Denise Messick, Don Spencer, Chris Stevens, and John Tullos; Faculty Advisors Tommy Jones and Richard Laub
Arts & Culture

Virginia-Highland Historic District

Proposed design guidelines for the Virginia-Highland Historic District were developed to promote preservation and rehabilitation of historic buildings and new construction. Presented within are recommendations...
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Proposed design guidelines for the Virginia-Highland Historic District were developed to promote preservation and rehabilitation of historic buildings and new construction. Presented within are recommendations for appropriate building materials and design. The guidelines are mean to serve as a tool to property owners and commission members during the design review process.

Date created:
Spring 2009

GSU Preservation Planning students Chris Baccus, Kim Burton, Susan Conger, Elisa Graf, Paul Graham, Debye Harvey, Courtney Lankford, Laura Lembas, Maysyly Naolu, Addie Watts, David Westbrook, and Caitlin Zygmont; Faculty advisors: Richard Laub, Director, and Mary Ann Eaddy, GSU Heritage Preservation Program